Hi everybody recently I have been getting a lot of foot tics meaning that I am now back in my wheelchair and sometimes have to use crutches, which isn’t great. Lots of the time people seem to think that if you need to use a wheelchair it is disabling you more when actually it is letting you do everything that you could have done before you needed the wheelchair by enabling you. My wheelchair allows me to carry on with my life even though my tics are getting in the way.
In my wheelchair, I can push myself when I want to because it has the big wheels at the back, but I can also be pushed if I get tired or if there is a really steep hill.
Just because I have to use my wheelchair sometimes, it doesn’t mean that I can’t walk, it just means that I can’t walk for that long without it being painful because of my foot tics. So for example, if there wasn’t a ramp I could get out of my wheelchair and push it myself if I needed to!
Yes, I do use a wheelchair sometimes but I can still use my legs and walk around! 🙂 Xx