Hello everyone,
Today things didn’t quite go to plan because right now I am still supposed to be on a National Children’s Orchestra (NCO) course, but sadly this time my tics just got in the way so I have had to come home.
Sometimes you just can’t work around things or your Tourette’s just gets in the way a bit too much! Usually I try not to let it stop me or I find something to help me cope better with the situation because otherwise your condition is controlling you, which is just totally wrong, so you have to ask yourselves what is the worst that could happen and then think what is the likelihood of that thing actually happening. I know from experience that this can be quite hard to do but you just have to give it a go and have a positive can do attitude!
Unfortunately today was just one of those days where everything just got a bit much and that is ok sometimes too because as one of my best friend’s mum said to me once “everyone has to crumple at some point!” Today I guess I crumpled and let my Tourette’s win 1-0 but that is ok because I gave it a go and I am sure that I will be winning again soon.
Wilamena 🙂 Xx