Welcome to TicTastic!

Hello, I’m Wilamena and I’m a musician, advocate, beach lover, baker and 18 year old girl navigating ticcing through life as someone who happens to have Tourette’s Syndrome.

I am writing this blog to raise awareness, debunk stereotypes and to help other people that also have these conditions. This blog is about my story, my daily life, and little tips on how to cope along the way.

So, welcome to TicTastic! Xx

Media Interviews and Journalist Requests

I have been a BBC Young Reporter of the Year and interviewed musicians about Tourette’s Syndrome and also been the subject of many media interviews raising awareness about Tourette’s Syndrome and neurodiversity with many top organisations, including the BBC News Channel, BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio5 Live, RTL TV in Germany, ITV Good Morning Britain, Channel 5 TV News, Cornwall Live, BBC Spotlight, BBC Points West and ITV Westcountry TV, Heathrow Airport and Lloyds Bank as well as many newspapers, podcasts, videos and magazine articles. I welcome every opportunity to talk to the media and journalists about Tourette’s Syndrome and what it’s really like, my life and how music helps with my situation, so please do reach out.

Tourette’s Charities

I am proud to be a champion of the UK charity Tourette’s Action and to be associated with the USA Tourette’s awareness charity NJCTS



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